Why Is ICT Important In Our Daily Life?

Why Is ICT Important in Our Daily Life
Many people in the world uses smart phone, computer, tablet. These devices are very helpful in daily life. Each of us have their own doings in using these gadgets. These devices are part of ICT. But why is ict important in our daily life?.

ICT is important to our daily life because with the use of ICT devices people gets information on the internet like news, uses to make communication to people, smart phone can be uses to know the time and serve as alarm clock and use for researching online. ICT have an important role to our daily life. It makes our life easier.

ICT is important to our daily life because we can get information using ICT devices. Just an example the smart phone, using the smart phone we can get latest news from the web. Many news agency have their website which you can follow and know what are the happenings on your locations and on other country. News is important to us so that we are aware of what are the events occurs in many parts of the globe.

ICT is important to our daily life because we can use ICT to make communication to the people. When our love ones are far from us, we can use smart phone to text or call them. You can update them on what are happening to you and you can also get updates coming from them. Also you can make a video call to them. Video call is a way of communication in which both of you can see each other in real time. Not also love ones, also you can communicate to your friends, teachers and other people on other country.

ICT is important to our daily life because we can use this to know the time and can be use as an alarm clock. Smart phones have the clock and it is useful. When we have a meeting or we are going to school, we know if we are going on time or might be late. We often see the clock to know the time everyday. And also when we want to arrive to our destination on time, we use an alarm clock to wake up early. And the smart phone is very useful in this matter.

ICT is important to our daily life because it can help us with our researching. Let's say you have a homework and you need to research on that, the internet can help you easily. You can browse the internet and find the answer you need. In the past years if you want to research you need to scan the book and get the answer but it is slow. ICT can help you to find the answer in the matter of seconds. Also researching on other things like you want to cook food but you don't know how, in this matter ICT can help you in researching for tutorials on the web.

Those are some of the reasons why is ict important in our daily life.

How Does ICT Affect Our Daily Life As A Student?

ICT does affect our daily life as a student in a positive way because students can use ICT in finding the answer on their homework in an easy way. When there are many assignment and you need to research you can use ICT to get those answers. ICT is very helpful to students because there are calculator apps installed and can be use for calculation for the math problems. Also the smart phobe have the clock in which they can know the current time and maybe use as an alarm clock. When they want to get up early then they can easily set an alarm maybe once and other people set a few list of alarm so that if they didn't get up on the first alarm they have other list to wake them up. Also students can use ICT as a way of communication to their teachers and also to their frineds and classmate. ICT is very helpful to students in learning and other aspects.

Importance Of ICT In Our Personal Life

ICT is important to our personal life because we can use this tool to communicate to our love ones. Let's say they are far away from you can can easily contact them through text, call or video call. Also when you want to contact you best friend you can easily do it with the use of this tool. Another thing is when you are not feeling well you can search for the remedies to make you okay, ICT is very helpful especially when health is concern and also you might search for entertaning videos on some video platform to make you laugh and make you happy. ICT is very important to our personal life.

What Are The Benefits Of ICT To Students?

The benefits of ICT to students are ICT makes researching easier for students, communication to their classmates and teachers are faster, ICT helps students in learning, smart phones can be use as calculator and some convertion tools make it easy to study, can read education tutorial online and get some new ideas, can be use in their presentation to make it beautiful and easy to understand and many other things.

Why Is ICT Important For Teaching And Learning?

ICT is important for teaching and learning because of the ICT devices like laptop and projector is very helpful in teaching, why? When the projector shows the lesson and the students see it, it is very easy to understand. The lessons that can be seen is easy to understand compare to the one that you don't. It is quite hard to understand a lesson when the teacher is just reading abook and you listen compare to the one that you see the lesson while the teacher is reading and explaining it. Also ICT is very helpful in teaching because teachers can just type on the word processing software on the laptop and make the lesson compare to writing it on the paper using mark pen because it is slower, because of ICT it makes easy for them. Another thing teachers use ICT devices to keep record. The quizes and exam are keep and finalize it when the quarter ends. Another thing is both students and teachers can use ICT for researching. So ICT is very important for teaching and learning.

Why Is ICT Important In Schools?

ICT is important to schools because when there are meetings ICT devices like laptops, projector, microphone and sound system can be use so that people from the back can hear the sounds and also see what the topic is all about. When there are events like contest the ICT devices are very helpful for them. In can be use to entertain the participants, teachers and also people on the events. ICT tools is very important also because teachers can use them in teaching. It helps them to improve their way of helping the students to learn easily.

Why Is ICT Research Important?

ICT research is important to discover new ideas and technologies. Having a research is a way of finding the great technologies that will help the people, the economy and the world. Discovering something is great way of improving the ICT field. It can be about anything. ICT research is important.

Why Is ICT Important in Classroom?

ICT is important in classroom because teachers can use this in improving their teaching style. Sometimes there are students that are not paying attention during discussion but because of ICT it is very easy to get their attention. When they are listening they can learn easily and understand it in a matter of seconds. Also there are many resources online that can be use in teaching the students. It will be fun and entertaining for them.

Why Is ICT Important To Community?

ICT is important to community because when there are some breaking news people on the community will be aware. This is helpful to the people to be safe. The ICT devices are helpful for communication for example there are some natural calamities like typhoon, they can easily contact their family to be updated. Another thing there are some high technologies that can be useful for the environment and people in the community can use it for a better environment.

Why Is ICT Important In Business?

When you have a business ICT plays an important role. Making communication is easier with the use of ICT. You can contact your employees using it. Keeping records and details is important and you need some ICT devices like laptop or computer to do it. ICT can help to monitor the growth of the business. You can tract if your business is growing or falling. ICT is important in business.

Those are some of the reasons why is important in our daily life. In can be about the community, schools, personal life or business. ICT is very important to us.


  1. Replies
    1. This really helped me in my assignment 🤗😍😘5️⃣

    2. Mr or Mrs anonymous which one is are u sure 😡 Some people will just be saying rubbish are u sure😤🙄

  2. My name is anant Narayan singh
    It's very nice.it is very helpfull t all us.
    Very very very very nice

  3. jhfhfjhuydfdfghjgkhljkhjghfdfgfhjjkiou87463564wtrsgfxnbkhou9658436245qtrsghcvjkhoup0


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