What are the effects of Ict in Education
What are the effects of ict in education is something we need to know about. It has a good effects and also bad effects of ict in education. We know that information communiction technology or ICT makes our life more easier and more comportable than before.
The life of today usually depends with the help of Technology in many ways in many aspects. In education, teaching a lesson become more advance and more easy to spread education information and let us know what are the effects of ict in education.
Good Effects of ICT in Education
1. Lesson Becomes Colorful
The books that have information inside of it that students use in order to learn was change with integation of ict in teaching. The pictures on the book was change with computer or laptop with projector.The computer or laptop with lesson that the teacher will going to tackle about will be more colorful than in the books.
The students will excite and more attentive because of using that medium in teaching.When the students like the way how the teacher teach a lesson they will be enjoy in going to school and be more active and more cooperative.
The students learn more because using pictures, colorful pictures makes to learn more easily and they remember them well. Unlike on the text they remember it for a short period of time and more of them they forget it when time pass by.
Understanding makes better and they easily interpret what it is really about. That is one good benefits of ict in education making the lesson colorful. It is good to see colorful pictures in the everyday life.
2. Interactive Lesson
The pictures on the books are like statue they are not moving but they are colorful. With the use of technology this pictures become interactive, they are moving now.The lesson are moving now by projecting a video on the wall. The students know on what is happening by step by step procedure and they are inform on all the right procedure.
Unlike on the on the books it shows the procedure and the text written with pictures also sometimes but you will not see the proper procedure and how they do it.
With the ICT in education you can now follow and do it because you have a guide to do it. And you can do it properly. Learning will be a great and advance.
3. Easily to do Projects
Doing a school projects takes time, money, and effort. But with the use of ICT in education doing a task a project become easy and less time acommodation.Before when there's a project a student usually find books or go to library in order to find solution or an answer to their projects.
But now a days with the help of technology, with the computer it makes faster to find an answer that needed in there projects.
They can make there projects a more colorful and they can customize it by placing and making a better design. Students are creative and when they make a project a great output will comes out.
4. Teaching Becomes Advance
In the part of teachers, teaching a lesson becomes more easy. When a teacher teach a lesson it is easy to discuss with the use of projector.Unlike before it is use the manila paper as visual aid in order o learn the students. But now a days we can see that the teachers experince the advantage of ict.
There lesson is inside of a laptop and use a projector to project the lesson that they want the student to learn. Teachers can project it in several times and the student will learn and know it more.
5. Lesson can be See, Hear, and Feel
Learning is advance when your senses are use it that learning. With the use of ICT the lesson can be see, hear, and feel.When there's a video and the student watch it, they can see it with their eyes, hear it with their ears, and feel it. That's a good importance of ict in education.
You will learn it faster and you will remember it and wjll not forget with your heart.
When there's good there's also bad and here are some of that effects.
Bad Effects of ICT in Education
1. Students Become Prone to Radiation
Using a technology there's a radiation that you will get from it. Gadgets have a chemical and toxic inside of it and students will get it when they are exposed to radiation.When too much use of technology especially computer and cellphone they get radiation. Cell cites that give netwoks, cignal on the cellphone or in the computer have a higher radiation.
When somebody call at you on the phone and you answer it radiation will be higher. It is advisable to put your phone on the left side ear and not on the right side.
Because our ear is nearer to right side and to avoid risk it is advisable to put it on the left side ear.
2. Students Become Lazy
When students experice the technology, they become lazy. They usually use gadgets in their daily life and they are happy when using it.When this happen doing house hold or school task becomes rare. Making assignment will just depend on the internet and finding answer in the books or in the library becomes seldom.
They usually search the net in order to get the information that they need. All task usually they depend on the internet.
3. Cyber Bullying
Students making their accounts in the social media and they can probably experice cyber bullying. This happen usually with friends or other people wanted to play a troll on people.Some people edit a photo and uploaded it on the social media and it will be the cause of bullying. This will be a one bad effects of technology now a days.
Those are the answers on what are the effects of ict in education.
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