Does ICT Help Teachers?

Does ICT Help Teachers
Teachers do their job well in teaching their students. They make lesson plan, discuss the lesson, give quizes and exam and many different things. Doing it manually it is a little bit hard to do. But because of the technology discoveries and inventions it makes it easier for the teachers to teach. The question is does ICT help teachers?

Yes, ICT help teachers in providing a better teaching to the students, uses for keeping records, use for communication to students and co-teachers, use for researching online and for entertainment in the class.

The ict help teachers in providing a quality education for the students. Since ICT is a powerful tool, teachers can do many impressive things using the ICT. They can make a creative lesson using the ICT softwares and get some awesome sources from the internet to make a better teaching. Since on the internet have many educational material that can be use, it makes the engagement in class better. Students wants multimedia discussion and doing that the teachers can get their attention easily. Sometimes when teaching using a book is hard because some of the students are not paying attention but because of ICT is becomes differ.

There are some teachers which are really good in using computer and they make a great lesson that make the students go to school everyday and being absent lessen. ICT really helps the teachers and also the students in their learning.

ICT help teachers in keeping records. Teachers give quizes and those scores must be keep so that at the end of the quarter it will be gathered to know the score or grades of the students. Commonly teachers uses laptop to store those score. Not just the quizes, the exam, graded recitation and other related scores are being keep. ICT really helps the teachers for the safety of the records and also during the computation of it will be easier for them.

ICT help the teachers because it can be use for the communication to students and co-teachers. The ICT device like smart phone or laptop can be use to text, call or even video call them. When there are some important matters to tell or clarify it is easier for them to do that because in just seconds they can already make some conversation to them. That is another thing on does ict help teachers.

Use for researching online. The ict help teachers because when they need some information or resource to use they can use the internet in finding those materials. There are some photos or videos online related to their lesson and they can use those for teaching their students. It is very easy because in a few clicks it will be done.

ICT help teachers because it can be use for entertainment. There are some entertainment videos online like movies in which they can use them from time to time to make the students have some fun. There are some funny videos that can be found on some social media platforms or video platforms. Also the teachers can also make their own video to entertain their students. ICT is very helpful in this matter. They will be happy and have some fun. Education is not all about learning but also about entertainment.

Those are some reasons on does ict help teachers. The answer is yes and many things benefit the teachers in using that tool.


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