Why is ICT Used in Education Sector?


Why is ICT Used in Education Sector
Learning with the use of books is amazing. Students can read lessons and stories from the book. The lovely stories captures the heart of the students. Also they can travel the world using it. But as times goes by the technologies evolve and it is useful to us. And ICT devices is very helpful in teaching and learning. But why is ICT used in education sector?

ICT is used in education sector to improve students skills and learning, help the teachers execute their lessons, used for record keeping, easy communication between teachers and students, used for researching online, used for making projects and a better presentation of students and teachers. That is also how is ict used in education sector.

Improve Students Skills and Learning

ICT is used in education sector because it will help the students to learn easily and improve their skills. When the students sees what the discussion is all about, it is very easy for them to analyze and understand the lesson. Listening is essential so that you can understand the lesson but it is way better when you actually see them. With the use of ICT images and video clips can be used in teaching. In this way students can execute their skills well. Students can use ICT to find useful information on the internet and will improve their knowledge and skills also. That is the second way on how is ict used in education sector.

Help Teachers Execute Their Lessons

Usually teachers used book in teaching and also some visual aids to make teaching easier. But now a days they can use ICT in teaching. But how teachers use ICT in teaching? Well first they created their lesson on the laptop or computer. They plan on the design and the content and finish it. When they came to school and teach, they will use projector and connect it to the laptop or computer and it will reflect on the white board or screen. That is how they made and it. They will continue to their teaching and explain it. Asking questions to students and other stuff. That is another thing why is ict used in education sector. The third way on how is ict used in education sector.

Use for Record Keeping

ICT is used in education sector because it helps the teacher in keeping record. Records are important to teacher like scores on quizes, examinations, graded recitations and other stuff. Those things are important so that after the quarter it will be combine and will show the result of the students grades. Also there are essential things teachers do and those are kept on the laptop or computer.

Communication to Teachers and Students

ICT is use in education sector because it helps for easy communication. When there are some announcement, some schools use the social media spread their announcement. It is good because students can easily know if they have class or haven't. Another thing when the students have some questions or they can use ICT to communicate to their teachers. And vise versa when the teacher have some question to their students, they can easily communicate to them with the use of this tool.

Use for Researching Online

Teachers can use the ICT to research and find some resources online for their teaching. They can find some images, music, video clips and other helpful materials that will help students in their studies. The students can also use ICT in their research. Let say they have assignment and need to find some definitions or examples of a specefic thing, ict is useful to them. Unlike before, books are being use for researching. They go to the library and scan the book to get the answer. But now a days the internet is use to get those informations in a matter of seconds.

Use for Making Projects

Students can use the ICT in creating their projects. There are word processing softwares that can be use to make their project. They can design, edit combine things to make it beautiful. Also typing those words is easier and print it after. Compare to type-writer, computer is better because you can easily delete and edit what is the error on the page.

Use for Presentation

Presentation, reporting in the class usually they use visual aid in doing that. But now that we have computer and projector it is way better. There are some presentation softwares that can be use by the students and also the teachers. The appearance will be neat and clean and easily to navigate.

Those are some reasons why is ict used in education sector.


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